The hip is a complex joint and one of the main weight bearing joints of the body. As a result, it is prone to various injuries and degenerative processes. Below are two of the most common conditions we see regularly at KHC:
Osteoarthritis of the hip:
Osteoarthritis refers to the degeneration of the internal structures inside of a joint including the cartilage, joint capsule and surrounding bone and connective tissues. Put more simply, it could be considered as the gradual wear and tear on our joints over time. Often osteoarthritis occurs later in life, being most common in people over 50. The first signs and symptoms usually involve stiffness and an aching pain inside the hip, groin and buttock region.
Generally, it is worse with inactivity, cold weather and first thing in the morning. Movement and gentle exercise usually improve symptoms and people often find once they are up and going it is a lot less painful. How can we help? Our approach to the management of hip osteoarthritis involves a combination of hands-on treatment to the surrounding muscles and joint structures, as well as at-home exercises and lifestyle intervention in order to manage stiffness, decrease pain and keep you doing the things you love for longer.
Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome:
Greater trochanteric pain syndrome is a combination of several conditions, predominantly Trochanteric Bursitis and Gluteal Tendinopathy. Pain is first noticed over the outer aspect of the thigh, and is usually worse with prolonged sitting, high impact physical activity, climbing stairs and laying on the affected side. Often the cause of this issue is a combination of overuse, increased exercise load with athletes and underlying muscle weakness in the hip region.
How can we help?
Our management as Osteopaths is focused initially on decreasing pain to the aggravated areas via hands on treatment then progresses to strength and rehabilitative exercises in order to address muscle imbalances and weakness.
Hip pain can be quite debilitating, so if you're noticing any of the above symptoms DON'T WAIT - book an appointment with us at the link below today, we'd love to help!